Art Commissions

Time Frame

Original paintings take up to 90 days once payment is received.

Stretched or Unstretched

Unstretched canvas can be easily rolled and shipped it in a tube. While stretched canvas is on a wooden frame.

Stretching Canvas

The canvas can be “stretched” (stapled onto a wood frame) at any local art store or at a chain like Michael’s for around $30.


No updates but open to providing updates if needed. Prefer not to because uncompleted is not representative of the final piece.

Canvas Sizes

12"x36", 12"x24", 16"x20", 18"x24", 24"x24", 24"x36"


Full payment require before painting begins.

No Glass Frame

If you want to go with a professional frame, I recommend no glass.  My paintings do have a slight texture to them that the glass could flatten.


We can schedule a phone or video meeting to discuss your artwork before starting.


Add the file to the request form or email any images for reference.